Meet our expert storytellers


We believe the stories worth telling should be told by you. We give you the tools to do it, without having to deep into your pockets like crazy. Build your own communications skills, grow your impact, connect with and inspire your audience and expand your reach. We’re here to help.



Founder - Brainhug Creative

Adeline is a campaigns and communications strategist, passionate about social movements and shifting mindsets. She founded Brainhug Creative, a network of creatives to change the way non-profits and social enterprises tell their story and connect with people.

Tara Todras-Whitehill

Photojournalist & Visual Storytelling Consultant - TaraTW

Tara is an award-winning visual storyteller who is passionate about global game-changers. She is a storytelling consultant, helping NGOs and social-change companies hone their media skills to create exciting and impactful projects.


Director - Kindtype Communications

Madina is a Communications professional with extensive experience in the social good sector. Madina has a passion for working alongside organisations and seeing them grow their impact using smart, cost-effective strategy.